
OS X Leopard leaks - pr0n for Mac diehards

Jason O'Grady leaks a preview of what new OS X features may be revealed in the Steve's keynote on Monday at WWDC. He says he's posting "purely for "informational purposes". Right.
Written by Marc Orchant, Contributor

Jason O'Grady leaks a preview of what new OS X features may be revealed in the Steve's keynote on Monday at the Worldwide Developer Conference. He says he's posting "purely for "informational purposes".

Sure Jason... and all of those sites around the net with scantily (if at all) clad women? They're just there to "study anatomy". Right?

C'mon... who do you think you're kidding. It's pr0n dude.

FWIW - it sounds like there are a few really nice things being introduced if Jason's sources are accurate (they often are - especially this close to an event). Two I like in particular are the ability to run Safari (the Mac OS browser) in an encrypted disk image that isolates it from the rest of the OS and threaded conversations in the Mail app a la Gmail.

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