
Outrageous Comcast customer agreement - finding a contact

I believe that the wording of Comcast's revised customer services agreement is way too broad and, if allowed to stand, would allow Comcast to demand entry into to a subscriber's home and to tmodify the subscriber's computer systems, change or update the software on those systems and add or remove "functionality" found on those systems.
Written by Dan Kusnetzky, Contributor

As I mentioned in the post Outrageous Comcast updates to customer agreement - all your systems belong to us, Comcast has revised its residential customer services agreement and imposed those revisions on subscribers. Here’s a pointer to the revised customer services agreement for those of the legal persuasion.

I believe that the wording of Comcast's revised customer services agreement is way too broad and, if allowed to stand, would allow Comcast to demand entry into to a subscriber's home and to modify the subscriber's computer systems, change or update the software on those systems and add or remove "functionality" found on those systems.

Yesterday, Jason, a Comcast customer services representative here in the Suncoast of Florida, provided an 800 number to what he described as Comcast's legal department.  It's clear that the number was meant to serve the needs of law enforcement or emergency response teams. It really wasn't at all useful to get Comcast's take on the the wording of the update they are imposing on uses.

Today, I've tried to contact Comcast's PR and AR team to see if they can help me speak with a representative to explain their view of the update they've imposed upon subscribers. I'll let you know more if/when they respond.

11 AM Update

Early this morning, I went spelunking in the deep cave that the Comcast corporate website resembles and game up with an Email address for corporate communications.  I sent in message laying out my concerns and asked someone to get back with me.  They must not read that Email inbox very often.

So, at 11 AM, I put on my helmet and other spelunking gear and went back to the cave. I found a telephone number for Kate Noel, Senior Manager Corporate Communications.  I've left a message in her voicemail.

I'll let you know if/when anyone responds.

You know, it might be fun to get Verizon's take on on this.

1 PM Update

Kate Noel is very responsive!  She got right back with me.  Unfortunately, she has a meeting scheduled this afternoon and introduced me to one of her colleagues.  I hope to schedule a time to chat later on this afternoon or tomorrow some time.

Several of you out there suggested linking up with Comcast via Twitter.  Thanks for the idea.  I'll fall back on that approach if I'm not able to speak with someone from Comcast shortly.

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