
Please help find Steve Fossett

Amazon is hosting a KML file to be used in Google Earth that shows recently taken imagery from the area where Steve Fossett is suspected to have gone down in his airplane.After spending a few minutes flying around the image, two things were made abundantly clear -- the area is much larger than I imagined, and the search for Steve would seem to border on impossible with the limited number of resources in the field.
Written by Garett Rogers, Inactive

Amazon is hosting a KML file to be used in Google Earth that shows recently taken imagery from the area where Steve Fossett is suspected to have gone down in his airplane.

After spending a few minutes flying around the image, two things were made abundantly clear -- the area is much larger than I imagined, and the search for Steve would seem to border on impossible with the limited number of resources in the field.

Instead of using the Google Earth overlay exclusively, there is a much better way to do this, as seen here. This application is a small tool that interactively lets users decide if there is anything of interest in the currently displayed image -- it reminds me a bit of Google Image Labeler.

With enough people participating, we have the power to find Steve very quickly -- so go to Amazon and sign up for an account right now. Flag each image you are presented with as interesting or not, and let's see if we can put this technology to good use.

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