
Poll: Is Firefox 4 a big improvement or a sign to move on?

Mozilla has officially launched the long-expected Firefox 4. For some, it has solidified their loyalty to Firefox. For others, it's the final signal that it's time to move on. How about you? Take the poll.
Written by Jason Hiner, Editor in Chief

I recently wrote about how I had been holding out for Firefox 4, and when it turned out to be a disappointment I decided it was time to part ways with Firefox as my primary Web browser. Plenty of TechRepublic members responded that they weren't having any problems with Firefox 4 and were still committed to the Fox, while others had a similar experience to mine and were looking to jump to an alternative like Chrome, Chromium, or Opera.

To continue the conversation on this topic, we'd like to put it to a vote. For those of you who regularly use Firefox and have upgraded to version 4, has the new version guaranteed your loyalty to Firefox or is it the final straw that has you ready to switch to an alternative?

Mozilla claims that Firefox 4 has "faster start-up times, rapid graphics rendering, and improved page load speed" (see Mozilla's artwork below), but I found that Firefox 4 still isn't quite as fast as other modern browsers and that it was responsible for some overall system slowdowns, as I explained in my articleGoodbye Firefox. Hello Chromium.

Answer the poll below and then jump into the discussion and tell us about your experiences with Firefox 4.

Take the poll

[poll id="202"]

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