
Potsdam II: Gotta grow to get green

A group of Nobel Prize winners and other big thinkers gathered in Potsdam to talk climate this past week. That was before Al Gore got his prize so he wasn't invited.
Written by Harry Fuller, Contributor

A group of Nobel Prize winners and other big thinkers gathered in Potsdam to talk climate this past week. That was before Al Gore got his prize so he wasn't invited. And at that conference, sponsored by the German government, there was much discussion of human addiction to carbon, and how to get our species into carbon therapy.

Among economists at the conference there seemd to be concensus that not only could economic growth continue while earthlings cope with global warming. Some thought the nations and peoples of the world would not be able to deal with global warming unless there was more wealth from growth.

One speaker from India urged the wealthy nations to act decisively, predicting the effects of global wamring on her nation, with its league-leading population, would be disastrous.

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