
PowerPage Podcast Episode 148 - Mac App Store

In this episode Rob and I discuss Apple's brand-new Mac App Store, which launched on January 6 -- and was cracked on the same day.
Written by Jason D. O'Grady, Contributor

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Episode 148 of the PowerPage Podcast is now available. You can either download it from the iTunes Store or directly (22.4 MB, MP3).

Panel: Jason O'Grady and Rob Parker

Topics: In this episode Rob and I discuss Apple's brand-new Mac App Store, which launched on January 6 -- and was cracked on the same day. We discuss its 10.6.6 requirement, the combo updater and some of our picks from the first 24 hours of the Mac App Store being open. Oh, and we play "What's on your Mac."

Here's what's on our Macs this week:


  • Alfred (free, Mac App Store) - Launcher for OS X that replaced QuickSilver and LaunchBar
  • Alfred Powerpack (~$19) - Extra features built on top of Alfred (file system navigation, result actions, etc.)
  • Caffeine (free, Mac App Store) - Tiny menu bar item to prevent your Mac from automatically going to sleep
  • AirFoil 4 ($25) - The premier tool for streaming audio around the house


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