
Prediction: Google Phone will doom GoogleTalk to near-oblivion

Venture capitalist Simeon Simeonov writes that Google's Andy Rubin has around 100 people working on a forthcoming Google Phone.That grab looks like a buddy list, and is believed to be from the phone.
Written by Russell Shaw, Contributor

Venture capitalist Simeon Simeonov writes that Google's Andy Rubin has around 100 people working on a forthcoming Google Phone.

That grab looks like a buddy list, and is believed to be from the phone.

Reportedly, the "BlackBerry-like" device will be made by Samsung. Google is talking to several cell carriers. If it is that early in the game, carriers are probably offering form factor and usability suggestions. Stuff like menus, and whatyou see above.

But what really jumps out at me will be able to handle VoIP.

The natural question that stems from that apparent fact has got to be, "OK, so what does this mean for GoogleTalk?

Two possibilities.

One, GoogleTalk will be scaled back to provide IM functionality for the Google Phone, or:

Two, Google Talk will become a neglected stepchild, available for use but rarely updated or marketed. Forget PSTN termination. The utility will become an afterthought.

The more I type this blog entry, the more I think the second possibility is more likely. If we take the grab at the top of this post at interface value, do you really think that the phone will have two of these lists (such as the one already in GoogleTalk)? I think not.

Google is very good relegating former marquee products to afterthoughts. Remember Blogger? Remember Froogle? 

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