
Prediction- Google-powered Star Office suite for Dell

 CNBC reports that Google is in negotiation with Dell on a $1 billion deal that would let Google install some of its software on all new Dell computers.Fellow blogger Rich Tehrani writes that for that amount of money, we should expect something "radically" new.
Written by Russell Shaw, Contributor

CNBC reports that Google is in negotiation with Dell on a $1 billion deal that would let Google install some of its software on all new Dell computers.

Fellow blogger Rich Tehrani writes that for that amount of money, we should expect something "radically" new. He surmises this could be a Google-branded browser, or even a Google counterpart to Microsoft Office.

"Something software-based and something customers aren't likely to download," Rich writes. "The goal would be to get the customers before they get hooked on something else."

Now, here is my take. I see a Google Branded version of Sun's StarOffice. 

So what would a Google StarOffice build for Dell look like? 

At the least, you would have "Powered by Google" revs of core StarOffice apps, such as Writer, Impress, Draw, Calc and Base.

Then, for its $1 billion, Google could customize the suite as they see fit. For example, as you see in my rev at the top of this post, you could have a clickable Google Talk icon in Impress - Sun's presentation software. Want to share a slide? Click Google Talk and share it, email it via Gmail, collaborate, have an online slide show with voice from Google Talk.

Here's a closer-up view. Note where I placed Google Talk.


Why do I think this just might happen? Several reasons.

Google and Sun are two of Microsoft's major competitors. The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

Sun's low cost StarOffice suite is configurable and scalable- and could easily be accomodated to handle Google features.

Venture capitalist John Doerr is on the board of Google, Inc., as well as on the board of Sun Microsystems. He has the power to push such a deal thru if he cares to.

Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer would absolutely go bonkers, but Dell is in such a pre-eminent position, they are beyond bullying by Microsoft. Microsoft needs Dell more than Dell needs them.

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