
Premier's site links to wrong Twitter

Until it was fixed overnight, New South Wales Premier Kristina Keneally's website had been linking to a fake Twitter account abandoned late last month.
Written by Ben Grubb, Contributor

Until it was fixed overnight, New South Wales Premier Kristina Keneally's website had been linking to a fake Twitter account abandoned late last month.

Kristina Keneally

(Premier Kristina Keneally outside Parliament House, Sydney
image by brianapa,CC2.0)

Yesterday, under a banner entitled "Connect with the premier", the premier's website linked to the Twitter account, @premierofnsw, which was dumped after former NSW Premier Nathan Rees vacated the position on 3 December.

Rees had been using the account, then Keneally used it briefly before moving to another account, @KKeneally, on 8 December. Taking that opportunity, someone going by the name of Joe snapped up the old account and continued to write tweets.

"The Twitter page was not hacked. It was given up just like how they gave up competently running our great state," the holder of the account said. "I wish I was premier though," the impostor said.

A spokesperson for the Premier confirmed that the account had been dropped and taken up by another person. "On Monday the Premier consolidated her old Twitter accounts KKeneallyMP and premierofnsw into one new account: KKeneally. During this time, a resourceful twitter user registered premierofnsw," they told ZDNet.com.au.

The site had been updated with the new account, the spokesperson said.

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