
Presenting: the ultimate World of Warcraft, Flickr, YouTube, MySpace, Digg, Friendster and Memeorandum mash-up

I still say there's no such thing as Web 2.0 but this isn't that far off.
Written by Russell Shaw, Contributor

I still say there's no such thing as Web 2.0 but this isn't that far off.

Plus it is quite doable.

It's Friday, everybody is dorkin' for the weekend, so let's go:

First, you join World of Warcraft.

Then, you take some screen shots of your Avatar in action. Like I show you above.

Then you post them on Flickr.

Then you get a copy of a screen-capture utility capable of creating an .avi video file. I use Camtasia Studio

Then, with Camtasia Studio enabled in full video capture mode, you run all your photos as a Flickr slideshow

You now have a video. Time to post that video on YouTube.

After posting your video on YouTube, you register with MySpace, and build your MySpace, well, space.

On MySpace you mention that you have a video on YouTube.

Then you go to Digg and, well, Digg your You Tube entry.

Then you go to Friendster and tell everyone about what you've done.

Then you write about your experience in your blog and you get picked up by Tech Memeorandum.


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