
Public betas of Windows 7 client and server could hit this week

It's not much of a secret at this point, but CEO Steve Ballmer is expected to announce official availabilty of the closed Windows 7 Beta 1 release during his Consumer Electronics Show keynote address on January 7. The actual bits should be available to pre-approved Windows 7 Beta 1 testers later that night or early on January 8.
Written by Mary Jo Foley, Senior Contributing Editor

It's not much of a secret at this point, but CEO Steve Ballmer is expected to announce official availability of the closed Windows 7 Beta 1 release during his Consumer Electronics Show keynote address on January 7. The official (non-Torrented) Beta 1 bits should be available to pre-approved Windows 7 Beta 1 testers later Wednesday night or early on January 8.

Ditto with Windows 7 Server, a k a Windows Server 2008 R2. The private Beta 1 release of that product is scheduled for late January 7/early January 8, I'm hearing.

I've gotten a number of questions from readers this year already about the expected public betas of these products. I've made some discreet inquiries.

The public (the one and only) beta of Windows 7 client and server could be released simultaneously with the private Beta 1 builds this week, according to some of my sources. What's the point of a simultaneous public and private beta? The private testers' feedback will get top priority; the public beta will be more of a milestone marker than anything else.

One source of mine said the Windows Server 2008 R2 code definitely will be available to the public this week, but was less sure about client. He said he thought the public beta of Windows 7 client might lag by a week or so.

Update: Nope. It's going to be sooner, not later. The latest word: The public beta of Win 7 client is due to hit Friday, January 9, according to a source familiar with Microsoft's plans. The public beta of Win 7 Server is due to hit a day earlier, January 8, the source added.

Microsoft officials declined to comment as to when testers -- public or private -- should expect to get the new Windows 7 client and server builds.

Bottom line: If the tipsters are on their game, anyone who wants to test Windows 7 client and Windows 7 server should be able to do so starting this week.... And if you're a consumer in the market for a new Windows PC but want the flexibility to upgrade to Windows 7 for free, it sounds like you should wait until July 1, 2009, to make your purchase....

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