
Puppet Enterprise - managing physical, virtual or cloud-based systems

Puppet Enterprise a simple, refreshing solution to a growing systems management problem. Physical, virtual and cloud-based systems can be managed using the same, simple, powerful tool.
Written by Dan Kusnetzky, Contributor

Luke Kanies, Founder, Chief Executive Officer, of Puppet Labs and I spoke about managing systems. Some vendors are suggesting that different tools are needed depending upon whether the entity being managed is a physical, virtual or cloud-based system. Puppet Labs, with the launch of Puppet Enterprise, is telling the world that the same tool can work in all three environments.

What Puppet Labs says about Puppet Enterprise

Puppet Labs™, a leading provider of open source systems management solutions, today announced the release of Puppet Enterprise, the first commercially supported version of Puppet™. Match.com, Red Hat, Twitter, Zynga and tens of thousands of other businesses are already relying on Puppet to manage millions of machines and automate the provisioning, patching and configuration of operating system and application components across enterprise and cloud infrastructures.

Puppet Enterprise simplifies Puppet integration and installation and bundles the support and services necessary for managing large-scale enterprise and cloud deployments, enabling IT staff to master their systems even as it becomes more complex. Puppet Labs also helps developers and operations teams work together to create a seamless IT infrastructure, reducing cost and increasing productivity.

Unlike traditional and home-grown solutions based on scripts or images, Puppet Enterprise’s model-driven approach provides more flexible configuration management, easier compliance, increased agility and gives systems administrators the confidence to make significant changes across enterprise and cloud infrastructures.

Pre-configured with the scalability and performance needed for large installations, Puppet Enterprise gives customers access to the latest releases and updates as well as enterprise-class support, which includes issue resolution and feature enhancement priority requests. Puppet Enterprise accelerates the time it takes to get started with Puppet and streamlines the process of keeping Puppet deployments up to date.

Snapshot analysis

One of the problems facing IT administrators today is being forced to use different tools, having different capabilities, to manage physical, virtual and cloud system resources. This challenge, of course, makes it more easily possible to make a mistake that slows down the organization's critical workloads or causes them to fail completely.

Puppet Labs and its community have been offering a solution to that problem for quite some time. Their solution is based upon very small run time modules that allow systems of many different types to be easily watched and managed using a single tool. Puppet makes it possible for an IT administrator to issue a command and know that all of the systems under his/her control will update themselves.

Puppet Labs offers a simple, refreshing solution to a rather difficult problem.

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