
R-word is good news and bad news

Good: energy prices are down. Today crude oil futures dropped again, now well below $90 a barrel.
Written by Harry Fuller, Contributor

Good: energy prices are down. Today crude oil futures dropped again, now well below $90 a barrel. So if you are looking at prices strictly from a consumer's point of view, that's fine. Gasolline and heating oil should get cheaper. Maybe they'll sgave $5 off your next airplane ticket.

Oil inventories in the U.S. are rising along with pronouncements that the country is already in a recession, sothat brings us to the...

Bad: any recession or simply prolonged fear of recession is going to hurt VC investment and growth of consumer-targeted green tech. Regardless of what the actual economic numbers may say. Worried consumers now say they'll save any tax rebate if they get one, or use it to pay down debt. Not high on the shopping list: a new solar panel or down payment on an electric car. Businesses that do continue to make capital purchases will continue to look at green alternatives because of the potential ROI. Nobody is expecting a surplus of oil over the long term.

And any slump in American growth or worry about how fast new tech companies can grow here--well, more money will go elsewhere where pickings seem green (as in money) if not greener (as in planet-friendly).

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