
Radiohead says OK computer but no to record label

Schadenfreude is a terrible habit but surely taking pleasure in seeing record companies slowly losing their grip on the business can't really be all bad. Following on from Prince's decision to give his album away for free with the Mail on Sunday (surely some mistake?
Written by Andrew Donoghue, Contributor

Schadenfreude is a terrible habit but surely taking pleasure in seeing record companies slowly losing their grip on the business can't really be all bad. Following on from Prince's decision to give his album away for free with the Mail on Sunday (surely some mistake? What's the demographic overlap between Prince fans and Daily Hate readers?? -500000 percent I would guess), popular beat combo Radiohead are doing like-wise – and inviting fans to pay what they like for their new record. It seems the happy go lucky bunch have finished their contract with EMI and realised that they really don't need a record company any more. Not sure how this will pan out with paying for videos and all that expensive TV stuff but I am guessing the biggest rock band in the world should have a few quid tucked away – and who needs MTV anyway – a handycam and YouTube will do. It seems that the dynamics of the record industry are changing and albums could be come little more than marketing events for live gigs – with ticket sales from live performances the real money make – just ask the Rolling Stones.

The Beeb has the full Radiohead story here: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertainment/7021743.stm

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