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Fake Steve Jobs continues to hit 'em out of the park, regardless of his recent unveiling. This is one of those perfect moments...
Written by Rupert Goodwins, Contributor

Fake Steve Jobs continues to hit 'em out of the park, regardless of his recent unveiling. This is one of those perfect moments...

This is a good lesson in why you should clear your cache before submitting a bug report (and what might be going on every time you answer the question "WMP has unexpectedly quit. Do you want to send a report?"). It's also not safe for work, if work minds rude words. Next time, matey, use vlc. (thanks to Deej for the tip)

And finally (this didn't happen, of course, you've never heard of the client, and I didn't follow through):

Marketing Man: "Rupert, our client wants a list of UK technology blogs where they can seed their new promotion." Me:"Seed? Seed? You mean spam?" MM:"Hey, they just want to make contact with UK tech types with this carefully crafted promotional message" Me:"Do they know how much that'll piss off their intended audience?" MM:"That's what they want" Me:"So they know their audience well enough to make this... promotion, but not well enough to know where they hang out online, how they'll react to an attempt to get free advertising by polluting their playpen, or what sort of reputation your client will get as a result? Classy." MM:"Hey, they just want to get the word out" Me:"So it'll be fine if I mention all this in my blog?" MM:"Errr...."

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