
Reboot bandicoot!

An old friend of mine, Download Dave, used to shout out “Reboot bandicoot!” every time his mac used to crash.
Written by Jake Rayson Rayson, Contributor


An old friend of mine, Download Dave, used to shout out “Reboot bandicoot!” every time his mac used to crash. This was a cultural reference to Crash Bandicoot, a computer game from way back when.

Recently I've been working in the Big Smoke at The Agency (no, not the CIA but a nameless creative agency, anonymised to protect the innocent). One of the jobs was for a huge multinational software company, using their proprietary server side technology. For various security and logistical reasons, I didn't have permissions to reboot the server, which is what I needed to do after updating various XML files.

The workaround? Break the machine!! Simply rewrite some invalid XML, refresh the browser, which crashed the server, fix the XML, refresh and reboot bandicoot! I love it when lo-tech solutions just work...

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