
Rebtel adds Facebook calling capability

International mobile calling solutions provider Rebtel has just launched a SkypeMe-like  functionality for Facebook.Go here, complee the necessary data, and you'll have a RebMe next to your Facebook name.
Written by Russell Shaw, Contributor

International mobile calling solutions provider Rebtel has just launched a SkypeMe-like  functionality for Facebook.

Go here, complee the necessary data, and you'll have a RebMe next to your Facebook name. If one of your Facebook friends has Reb Me, you'll be able to start a Rebtel call directly from your Facebook page.

Once again, here's how Rebtel works:

You give Rebtel the phone number of a friend in another country, and they give you a local number for them.

Save this number on your mobile so you can call your friend whenever you want, for a fraction of your normal international rate.

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