
Report: iPhone may have VPN client

Yes, I know that's a Nokia but minds-eye substitute an iPhone in the "Mobile Devices" frame...We learn today from the Boy Genius Report that the Apple iPhone (to be released June 29) may- bears repeating- may contain a VPN (Virtual Private Network) client.
Written by Russell Shaw, Contributor

Yes, I know that's a Nokia but minds-eye substitute an iPhone in the "Mobile Devices" frame...

We learn today from the Boy Genius Report that the Apple iPhone (to be released June 29) may- bears repeating- may contain a VPN (Virtual Private Network) client.

For those of you who might wonder what the upside of iPhone VPN capability might be, well, Wikipedia's take is as concise and accurate as you'll need for now:

A Mobile Virtual Private Network (Mobile VPN) integrates standards-based authentication and encryption technologies to secure data transmissions to and from devices and to protect networks from unauthorized users. Designed for wireless environments, Mobile VPNs are designed as an access solution for users that are on the move and require secure access to information and applications over a variety of wired and wireless networks. Mobile VPNs allow users to roam seamlessly across IP-based networks and in and out of wireless coverage areas without losing application sessions or dropping the secure VPN session. For instance, highway patrol officers require access to mission-critical applications in order to perform their jobs as they travel across networks.

Got to think AT&T and Apple are looking to extend the iPhone's appeal to at least a small segment of the corporate base. And VPN wouldn't hurt.

The VPN client is currently in beta. If it isn't ready by ship date, look for it soon thereafter.

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