
Reports: Smith to resign as home secretary

There are various reports that Jacqui Smith is to resign as home secretary in the wake of the MPs expenses scandal.Smith, who has presided over Home Office-led IT projects, including the plan to log all internet data traffic, and who has pushed forward government plans for a National Identity Register, is to go in a Cabinet reshuffle next week, according to various news articles.
Written by Tom Espiner, Contributor

There are various reports that Jacqui Smith is to resign as home secretary in the wake of the MPs expenses scandal.

Smith, who has presided over Home Office-led IT projects, including the plan to log all internet data traffic, and who has pushed forward government plans for a National Identity Register, is to go in a Cabinet reshuffle next week, according to various news articles.

A Home Office spokesperson declined to comment to ZDNet UK immediately, saying that this was a "personal and political matter" for the home secretary.

Smith has been criticised both for claiming her sister's home as her main residence for expenses purposes, and for claiming expenses for two pornographic films viewed by her husband.

The BBC is reporting that Smith is to quit the Cabinet, but will defend her Redditch seat at the next election. The Guardian is saying that Smith's resignation, along with other MPs in the scandal, could lead to a radical shake-up of Brown's Cabinet after the European elections on Thursday.

The Telegraph has posted an op-ed piece saying that her resignation is an "ignominious end to an inglorious career".

The expenses scandal has rocked parliament in the past weeks. The latest high profile figures whose futures are in doubt are Geoff Hoon and Alistair Darling, who have both agreed to pay back some of their expenses claims.

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