
San Francisco, San Jose, New York rated most socially networked cities

Overall, the West rules in volume of social media-savvy residents. Could it be those longer distances?
Written by Joe McKendrick, Contributing Writer

There has been plenty of debate as to whether California's Silicon Valley still has what it takes to retain its leadership as the high-tech and innovation center of the nation. But the region definitely maintains a solid lead as the nation's prime social-networking hub. NetProspex, an online business contacts service, poured through its database of two million networked individuals and ranked them by company, industry and city, in its newly released Fall 2010 Social Report.

The top 10 cities are, in terms of social media adoption, as determined by composite NetProspex Social Index (NPSI) score -- shown in parenthesis, and based on social network activity across the top social networks, including Twitter, Linkedin, and Facebook.

1 San Francisco, CA (60.74)
2 San Jose, CA (53.44)
3 New York, NY (44.75)
4 Austin, TX (38.46)
5 Boston, MA (37.39)
6 Seattle, WA (36.69)
7 Denver, CO (35.97)
8 Salt Lake City, UT (35.09)
9 Los Angeles, CA (30.30)
10 Atlanta, GA (29.68)

NetProspex also made the following observations:

  • The West coast is more social media-savvy than East coast.
  • California and Texas most social media-savvy states.
  • The Midwest is the least social media-savvy US region.
  • New York and San Francisco are the most 'Tweet-savvy' cities. Interestingly, Seattle had a low Twitter adoption rate.

The report also analyzed social media tendencies by professional groups, and perhaps not surprisingly, found those people engaged in marketing and communications were the most voracious users of social networks. Marketing, advertising and communications professionals ranked among the most social media savvy employees in the US with an NPSI ranking of 68.29. Also ranking among the most social were HR and recruiting professionals, who finished in second place with an NPSI of 67.44. Communications and public relations professionals followed at 39.26.

Only two C-level positions finished in the Top 10 on the list -- chief marketing officers with a score of 59.81, and chief information officers at 26.39.  Lagging the list were CEOs, who were outpaced by office managers and customer service reps.

It also appears that HR people have the most friends in their networks. The average amount of friends and followers in an HR employee’s social media network is more than twice as high as the average amount of followers across all job titles.

HT to my colleague Bill Ives for the pointer to this report.

This post was originally published on Smartplanet.com

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