
Satellite tech to map cables under UK roads in 3D

Mapping the underworld...
Written by Andy McCue, Contributor

Mapping the underworld...

A £2.2m project to create a 3D map of the pipes and cables buried under UK roads is aiming to reduce road works and cut accidents caused by workmen digging through electricity lines.

Researchers at the universities of Leeds and Nottingham will try to create the map by integrating existing digital and paper-based records and link them with data from satellite and ground-based GPS systems.

The information will then be able to be accessed by contractors, utility companies and planners using a PC in the office or handheld device in the street.

Four million holes are dug each year in the roads. The pipes and cables buried under the UK's streets would stretch to the moon and back 10 times, according to the researchers.

Tony Cohn, professor of automated reasoning at Leeds and lead researcher on the project, claims the 3D map will cut congestion caused by holes in the road and ensure workmen dig in the right place.

He said in a statement: "We'll always need to dig holes in the street but reducing the amount of roadworks would bring enormous economic and environmental benefits, with fewer traffic jams and exhaust emissions."

The 3D map will also help reduce the number of fatalities and injuries caused every year by accidental hits on gas pipes and electricity cables.

Cohn said: "Many of the country's underground pipes were laid in the 19th and early 20th century, when it wasn't seen as important to keep accurate records of location and depth. Even where we have records, many are now very inaccurate as reference points, such as kerbs or buildings which have moved or been demolished."

The researchers admit that one of the challenges will be trying to create a centimetre-accurate satellite-based location technology that can work even in 'urban canyon' black spots.

The project, called Vista, is being led by the University of Leeds in collaboration with the University of Nottingham and 19 companies and organisations from the utilities, transport and engineering sectors. It is managed by UK Water Industry Research.

The Department of Trade and Industry is providing £900,000 of funding with the remainder coming from project partners including BT, National Grid Transco, Ordnance Survey, Thames Water and Transport for London.

Vista will link with an ongoing £1m Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council funded project called Mapping the Underworld, which is researching improved GPS and sensor technologies to find pipes and new ways of 'tagging' newly buried pipes.

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