
SearchSOA.com names Nexaweb's Enterprise Web Suite 'Product of Year'

For Nexaweb, the end game for enterprises is flexible composite workflows, and so the newest offerings are more than tools and platform, there’s a professional services component, to take the best practices and solutions knowledge to market as well. The process includes applications assets capture and re-factoring (sort of like IT resources forensics), re-composition, deployment and then proper maintenance. In the bargain, you can gain an enhanced platform, increased automation, and services orientation.
Written by Dana Gardner, Contributor

Nexaweb Technologies, the application platform provider, just keeps piling on the accolades. Its latest achievement is the Product of the Year award for its Enterprise Web Suite from SearchSOA.com.

The gold-status award for the Burlington, Mass. Company, came in the RIA /Composite Application Assembly category, and was based on innovation, performance, ease of integration into environment, ease of use and manageability, functionality, and value. [Disclosure: Nexaweb is a sponsor of BriefingsDirect podcasts. I have also been a reviewing judge for SearchSOA.com product rankings.]

In January, Nexaweb received the Editors' Choice Award from CMP's Intelligent Enterprise.

Just over a month ago, I blogged on Nexaweb, and its role in helping enterprises modernize without pain, confusion or excessive cost:

For Nexaweb, the end game for enterprises is flexible composite workflows, and so the newest offerings are more than tools and platform, there’s a professional services component, to take the best practices and solutions knowledge to market as well. The process includes applications assets capture and re-factoring (sort of like IT resources forensics), re-composition, deployment and then proper maintenance. In the bargain, you can gain an enhanced platform, increased automation, and services orientation.

The goal is to harvest all those stored procedures, but target them to newer architectures — from Struts to Spring — and move from client/server to Enterprise 2.0, is a leap-frog of sorts. The re-use of logic then allows those assets to be applied to model-driven architectures and the larger datacenter transformation values.

Nexaweb Advance pairs Nexaweb’s Enterprise Web Suite with automated code generation tools and professional services to deliver a model-driven architecture approach to the transformation of legacy PowerBuilder, ColdFusion, C++, VisualBasic, and Oracle Forms applications . . .

Nexaweb says that their Enterprise Web Suite allows companies to extend and modernize legacy applications, while leveraging their investments in J2EE and services-oriented architecture (SOA) platforms. The company claims that organizations using their offerings have reduced application development, deployment, and maintenance costs by an average of 50 percent.

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