
'Security pro' - an oxymoron?

Up there with 'fresh frozen' and 'military intelligence'... ?
Written by Steve Ranger, Global News Director

Up there with 'fresh frozen' and 'military intelligence'... ?

The term 'infosec professional' is almost a contradiction in terms, according to analyst group Gartner, which warns the field of IT security is still finding its feet.

The analyst house said there is little agreement on what constitutes professionalism.

This means hiring decisions are complicated by a lack of consensus on the skills needed and, as a result, many security problems will remain unsolved until specialists pool their knowledge and experience, Gartner said in a briefing note.

The analyst said this all means UK organisations and security experts concerned about problems in staffing and the state of the practice should consider supporting the Institute of Information Security Professionals (IISP). If the group is successful it could become a model for the creation of similar bodies in other countries, Gartner said.

The IISP, formally launched last month, aims to improve the training, certification and supply of staff.

But the analyst added: "It remains to be seen whether there will be enough co-operation and participation to build an institution for the chartering of individuals in this burgeoning field."

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