
See what Google knows about you, kind of

Google has launched an all-in-one dashboard that attempts to show you what they know about you. It's basically an updated "Google Accounts" page that gives you more information than was available previously.
Written by Garett Rogers, Inactive

Google has launched an all-in-one dashboard that attempts to show you what they know about you. It's basically an updated "Google Accounts" page that gives you more information than was available previously.

The complete list of Google services that are participating in "Google Dashboard" include:

  • Google Account
  • Alerts
  • Blogger
  • Calendar
  • Contacts
  • Docs
  • Finance
  • Gmail
  • Health
  • iGoogle
  • Latitude
  • Orkut
  • Picasa Web Albums
  • Product Search
  • Profile
  • Reader
  • Talk
  • Tasks
  • Voice
  • Web History
  • YouTube

Not every Google service is represented -- there are several that haven't joined the Dashboard camp yet -- including the likes of Google Analytics, Google News, Checkout, AdWords.

Saying that you are now able to see exactly what Google knows about you is a bit of an exaggeration, but it's nice to see that Google is at least thinking about transparency. What do you think?

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