
Sequoia Capital partner to leave Google's board

Michael Moritz plans to finish out his term, but will not seek re-election on the search giant's board.
Written by Candace Lombardi, Contributor
When Google holds its board elections at its stockholder meeting this May, Sequoia Capital's Michael Moritz will not be in the running. Moritz, who has been on Google's board of directors since 1999, said he will not seek re-election. Moritz is leaving after his term is up to concentrate on his role as a partner at Sequoia Capital, according to a Google statement.

Sequoia Capital is the venture capital firm credited with funding Google, Yahoo, Cisco Systems, Oracle and others in their early years. In April 2006, Sequoia gave second-round funding to YouTube, the video-sharing site owned by Google, which is currently in a legal battle with Viacom over alleged copyright infringement.

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