
SES on Social Communities: 'share the love', 'spam for value'

"SEM Via communities, Wikipedia and Tagging" panel at SES San Jose was a primer in using the Social Web for self-promotion.
Written by Donna Bogatin, Contributor
“SEM Via Communities, Wikipedia and Tagging” panel at SES San Jose was a primer in using the Social Web for self-promotion.

Well-versed SEM and SEO panelists:

Andy Hagans, Strategist, Text Link Ads
Neil Patel, co-founder, Advantage Consulting Services
Rand Fishkin, CEO, SEOmoz.org


Chris Pirillo, Director, Gada.be
Todd Malicoat, Search Engine Marketing Consultant

The panelists and contributors shared their real world experiences in leveraging the popularity of social bookmarking, tagging and community Websites to gain recognition and drive traffic.

Panelists recommended participating “positively and consistently” in Social Web powerhouses Del.icio.us, Technorati, Digg, Wikipedia…with the end goal of creating self-directed links, tags and bookmarks.

While all assured they were against “spamming,“ all suggested adding “value” to the communities via self-submissions and self-promotion.

Andy Hagans put forth a pragmatic, hypothetical, case study for gaining buzz via tagging and bookmarking:

Business: Mortgage Broker

Website: boringmortgagebroker.com
Content: “Didn’t Pay Your Mortgage? Don’t Worry--Why Banks Are So Afraid To Foreclose.”
Widget: Java Script-driven “Amortization Calculator” Tool

ALSO SEE: Web 2.0 profit angle: extreme self-promotion

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