
Shameless plug

Apologies to both my loyal readers for the lack of posts of late. I have been busy.
Written by Jake Rayson Rayson, Contributor

Apologies to both my loyal readers for the lack of posts of late. I have been busy. Busy. Building web sites, building my own web site.

This, it has to be said, is a first. Despite having built dozens of web sites for other people, I have never actually built my own site. I have had a number of mockups, scheming ideas sribbled on the back of a crisp packet, Magnificent and Ground Braking paradigm shifts that never made it past my dreams. But never an actual web site.

So, it is with a small degree of pride and a large amount of trepidation that I bring you…

Team Firebox.

TF buscard v0.1

Built using the Joomla! CMS, based on the JoomlArt Avian template, with a variety of extensions.

Phew, now I can get back to writing about stuff rather than having to do any actual work ;)

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