
Should you have an urge to lifecast . . .

Here is an excellent critique of lifecasting:As Much As You CanAnd if you cannot make your life as you want it,at least try thisas much as you can: do not disgrace itin the crowding contact with the world,in the many movements and all the talk.Do not disgrace it by taking it,dragging it around often and exposing itto the daily follyof relationships and associations,till it becomes like an alien burdensome life.
Written by Tom Foremski, Contributor

Here is an excellent critique of lifecasting:

As Much As You Can

And if you cannot make your life as you want it, at least try this as much as you can: do not disgrace it in the crowding contact with the world, in the many movements and all the talk.

Do not disgrace it by taking it, dragging it around often and exposing it to the daily folly of relationships and associations, till it becomes like an alien burdensome life.

by C.P. Cavafy translation: Rae Dalven from: The Complete Poems of Cavafy; Harvest Books, 1961

Via the excellent 3QuarksDaily.

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