
Skype-enabled KODAK offering could have enterprise uses, too

Two thumbs up for KODAK Photo Voice, a new, free offering that lets users of KODAK EASYSHARE Gallery talk over Skype.Here's how it works.
Written by Russell Shaw, Contributor

Two thumbs up for KODAK Photo Voice, a new, free offering that lets users of KODAK EASYSHARE Gallery talk over Skype.

Here's how it works. Say you have a slide show or individual photos loaded on your EASYSHARE account. These photos could be your daughter's graduation shots, your family opening Christmas presents, or maybe even shots of your ski vacation to Brekenridge, Col. (if the latter, I am officially very jealous).

After creating your slide show, you then can call a Skype-using friend or relative and invite them to watch the slideshow live. In fact, if the person you are calling wants to order individual pix from your slide show, they will be able to tell you about it (over Skype, of course) and then you can create the order from your EASYSHARE account.

Obviously Skype and Kodak are positioning this package to consumers, but I think it could work for the enterprise as well. An enterprise user could share photos of their new plant, new product, new executive hire, annual shareholder's meeting. Then, via a Skype call that runs in parallel track with the presentation, you'd have a virtual slide show.

Now, my next question will be, who's next? I could see some sort of similar offering between Yahoo! Messenger's voice component and Yahoo!-owned Flickr. Or what about Google Talk and Picasa?

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