
Skype launches SkypeGear blog-AFT

AFT= A Fine Taxonomy, indeed.SkypeGear has been around a couple of weeks now, but hasn't gotten the attention it deserves.
Written by Russell Shaw, Contributor

AFT= A Fine Taxonomy, indeed.

SkypeGear has been around a couple of weeks now, but hasn't gotten the attention it deserves. Let's put a stop to that.

Unlike most of the other Skype-gear info on the Skype site- which suffers from some awful taxonomy problems and is often difficult to find without multiple clicks to deep links- SkypeGear is a treat.

Large illustrations, plain conversation without too much marcom, jargon or both.

Stephen Pinches (that's who he is, not what he does) appears to be the main writer.

Posts up so far indicate a wide variety of coverage.

Here's what's up so far:

Nice work, Skype.


Editorial standards