
Skype Non-existant "Support"

Maybe things are going to start to change, or at least get noticed. When even the Skype Cheerleaders are posting articles about how awful Skype's so-called "Customer Support" is...
Written by J.A. Watson, Contributor

Maybe things are going to start to change, or at least get noticed. When even the Skype Cheerleaders are posting articles about how awful Skype's so-called "Customer Support" is... well, read it for yourself, through the link above. How does a company get away with treating their paying customers with utter contempt and disregard?

Nearly one year ago, on 2 Aug 2008, Skype COO Scott Durchslag posted a comment to my blog, saying:

I’d like to invite you to meet with myself and our Head of Customer Support to discuss these issues and our roadmap to address them

My response at the time was that I had no interest in wasting time listening to a bunch of empty promises (that is the nice way to describe it...), I would be much more interested in seeing some results. Now, a year later, Skype "Support" is as dismal as ever, and the "roadmap" has obviously led off into a ditch somewhere.

My advice concerning Skype is still the same. If you want or need to use the free services, fine, give it a shot. But do not get sucked into giving them ANY money, under any circumstances. Period.


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