
Skype releases 2.6 for Mac: is Skype now giving Mac enough respect?

Yes, I know it is "only a Beta," but if I was a Skype-using Mac guy (instead of a Skype-using Windows guy)- I'd be interested in this new Call Transfer feature.Only available on Skype Mac 2.
Written by Russell Shaw, Contributor

Yes, I know it is "only a Beta," but if I was a Skype-using Mac guy (instead of a Skype-using Windows guy)- I'd be interested in this new Call Transfer feature.

Only available on Skype Mac 2.6 just released today, this feature enables transfer of ongoing Skype calls to other people on your Skype contact list.

The 2.6 build also adds some features that up till now were only available on Skype for Windows.

These are:

  • The ability to join public chats;
  • A Chat typing indicator that shows you when others in your chat session are writing a message;
  • The ability to call any Skype Prime premium services provider and pay with Skype credit;
  • An automatic update feature with the ability to obtain new features and updates to your Skype software without having to download them from the Skype website, and DTMF tones for automatic answering services available during your Skype-to-Skype calls.

Skype Journal's Jim Courtney comes at this new announcement from an "it's about time" kind of place, but one that insists the addition of the Mac-only features was delayed not because of prejudice against Mac, but in tribute to Mac's higher relaiability.

He writes:

Last evening I attended a local event for bloggers. I would get into conversations about Skype 3.2 beta and it turned out most of the attendees had Macs and complained about how Mac users always had to wait longer to get the new features that showed up in Skype for Windows beta first. I simply explained it away as the fact that, with Mac's higher reliability, the Mac team at Skype had to be more diligent about ensuring smooth operation of their Skype for Mac releases.

Do you agree with Jim's reasoning? 

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