
Skypecasts? Love 'em, but what about Skypecast Video eBay auctions?

 You know what ought to happen next? Video Skypecasts, tied in with eBay auctions.
Written by Russell Shaw, Contributor

You know what ought to happen next? Video Skypecasts, tied in with eBay auctions.

But wait.  We are getting a bit ahead of ourselves this morning. Need to give you the deets first.

Skypecasts is something else you can do and participate in if you have the new Skype 2.5 beta just out today.

You can find communities of interest, and participate in discussions of up to 100 people.

Pickin's are a little thin, but it looks like the inventory of available Skypecasts are building up.

Soccer (sorry, futbol for those of you who care about that boring sport, for some reason); sex (discussion only, sorry) and even a Skypecast about today's hot Digg entries.

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So how about eBay auctions via Skypecast Video? Natural synergy, IMHO.




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