
SOA Manifesto, explained

How the SOA Manifesto came about, and what it means.
Written by Joe McKendrick, Contributing Writer

For those of you curious about the thinking behind the recent SOA Manifesto, I just published a review of the working group process in SOA Magazine.

The SOA Manifesto is based on the same format as the Agile Manifesto, created in 2001 to enunciate the values and principles of Agile software development. Thomas Erl, editor of SOA Magazine and the evangelist who initiated the creation of the manifesto, saw that it was high time for a similar document to provide a rational foundation for SOA-based efforts, and address any confusion that has existed around its meaning and purpose.

Members of the working group -- representing enterprise architects, authors, analysts, consultants, and vendor representatives -- met in Rotterdam in October to hammer out the document.

The SOA Manifesto, Thomas observes, "provides us, as a community, with a very real opportunity to finally achieve a healthy level of industry-wide understanding and acceptance of what service orientation is truly about."

Thomas also provides additional background to the manifesto's core value statements and guiding principles at an Annotated SOA Manifesto site.

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