
Social Security

In this Social 2.0 World we have created, I'm finding it hard to keep track of all my identities scattergunned across the internet, let alone my multitude of Pa55w0rd5, keywords, PINs and security questions.
Written by Jake Rayson Rayson, Contributor

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In this Social 2.0 World we have created, I'm finding it hard to keep track of all my identities scattergunned across the internet, let alone my multitude of Pa55w0rd5, keywords, PINs and security questions.

Which is why I find KeePassX a godsend, a cross-platform password manager (Open Source Of Course). Okay, you are not supposed to keep all your passwords in one place. Neither are you supposed to have one password to rule them all. And you are supposed to change every one every week. But I am human with too much else to do rather than spend all my time writing and remembering passwords, then running out of brainroom and forgetting what I remembered them for.

On a security tip, I have started using the jSecure extension for the Joomla! CMS. It adds another layer of obfuscation, hiding the login page behind an access key in the URL. Belts, braces and velcro all round...

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