
Social Web news: Facebook, MySpace, Google, StockTwits

A few interesting links from today on news relating to the Social Web...
Written by Steve O'Hear, Contributor

A few interesting links from today on news relating to the Social Web...

Facebook considering MySpace Music response. The 'social utility' is talking to a number of streaming music services about an outsourcing deal that would more deeply integrate their music experience into Facebook, sources tell the New York Post. (New York Post)

MySpace on target to do $1B in sales this year. Sources tell VentureBeat that the News Corp-owned social networking site is set to defy the wider economy and bring in revenue this year of $1B or "within a hair’s breadth of that number." (VentureBeat)

Google exposing user profile to search engines. Google has been letting people create profiles for a while now , but until recently, public profiles remained hidden from search engines. (ZDNet: Googling Google)

'StockTwits', a Twitter tracker for stocks. Another Twitter mashup, StockTwits asks "What are you trading?" and tracks messages on Twitter that carry mention of a stock by encouraging users to preface a company ticker with a $ sign e.g. $GOOG. (AVC)

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