
Solar-powered signs update riders far afield

Even though I wrote about this one first and mainly for my blog at the Smart Planet site, where I cover sustainability and other "smart" management issues, I thought it was fun for GreenTech pastures, too.Now, instead of wondering why your bus or train hasn't shown up yet, you'll be able to know more details thanks to these solar-powered signs from Synchromatics.
Written by Heather Clancy, Contributor

Even though I wrote about this one first and mainly for my blog at the Smart Planet site, where I cover sustainability and other "smart" management issues, I thought it was fun for GreenTech pastures, too.

Now, instead of wondering why your bus or train hasn't shown up yet, you'll be able to know more details thanks to these solar-powered signs from Synchromatics. Yes, you'll still be angry, but at least you can call someone and tell them just how late you'll be.

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