
Some music execs see bright future for Google Music

iTunes is pretty much the place to buy music these days -- cd's seem so old school now that downloadable digital music has become so mainstream. That's not where it ends though, as "downloadable" is already starting to seem old too.
Written by Garett Rogers, Inactive

iTunes is pretty much the place to buy music these days -- cd's seem so old school now that downloadable digital music has become so mainstream. That's not where it ends though, as "downloadable" is already starting to seem old too.

Google is betting on the future of cloud based storage for your music library -- a service Google appears to be calling your "digital locker". As broadband internet access becomes more and more ubiquitous, local storage becomes less and less important. What do you think about a phone or music device with no storage? One day that won't seem strange.

"Finally here's an entity with the reach, resources and wherewithal to take on iTunes as a formidable competitor by tying it into search and Android mobile platform," said a label executive who asked not to be identified. "What you'll have is a very powerful player in the market that's good for the music business." -- Reuters

With big players in the industry getting excited about real competition for iTunes, we're sure to see things heat up soon.

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