
Spam: Out of the frying pan, into the fire

With spam reaching critical levels and still on the increase, the issue has rocketed to the top of the political agenda, but the government's best efforts might not have much of an impact on the problem. A ZDNet UK News Focus
Written by ZDNet UK, Contributor
UK laws may help spammers look legit
Thurs 4 July:British politicians have been urged to lobby their US counterparts to prevent the meltdown of the Internet Spam-maker sues SpamArrest
Thurs 3 July:A US manufacturer of canned-meat products is launching a trademark infringement case against SpamArrest California juggles anti-spam bills
Thurs 03 July: One bill is thrown out while another progresses to further consideration Business email may escape spam crackdown
Wed 02 July: The government's new anti-spam measures may leave corporate email addresses out of the loop, giving junk emailers free rein Anti-spam tricks block the blind
Wed 02 July: Techniques to stop automated bots signing up for Web email are shutting out people with visual disabilities Spam growth shows no sign of stopping
Mon 13 June: Companies are warned that they're losing thousands of pounds per month as workers wade through their junk mail Spammers conscript home PCs to do dirty work
Fri 27 June: Junk emailers are using viruses to hijack consumers' PCs and relay spam New Lindows shuts out spam and pop-up ads
Thurs 26 June: The latest version of software-maker Lindow's Linux operating system for consumers provides souped-up support to ease installation Microsoft anti-spam campaign 'hypocritical'
Thurs 26 June: Critics are urging the company to put its own house in order before attacking spammers
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