
Steorn is at it again!

My personal energy levels received a free boost today with the delightful discovery that those Irish perpetual motion fiends at Steorn have risen from their Dublin slumbers. With commendable aplomb, they have steadfastly refused to allow previous unfortunate events to hold them back, and have just announced zero-friction bearings (hurrah!
Written by Rupert Goodwins, Contributor

My personal energy levels received a free boost today with the delightful discovery that those Irish perpetual motion fiends at Steorn have risen from their Dublin slumbers. With commendable aplomb, they have steadfastly refused to allow previous unfortunate events to hold them back, and have just announced zero-friction bearings (hurrah! Let no fact of physics go unchallenged!), a selection of devices for measuring magnetism (w00t!) and SKDB.

This is the most interesting part. SKDB is a four-stage plan for unleasing the power of Orbo into the world. Let me quote:

"The SKDB is a learning and knowledge base designed to explain, employ and expand the science, engineering and intellectual property comprising Orbo technology. The SKDB is a global collaboration and development centre designed to facilitate sharing, collaboration and the further development of Orbo technology.The SKDB is a commercialisation platform for building and deploying Orbo applications worldwide.The SKDB is the environment for the Orbo energy revolution. "

Got that? Orbo is too fearsomely powerful for the knowledge to be given to people willy-nilly. You have to get it from the Learning and Knowledge Base. And that will be limited, at first, to 300 people - just in case... erm, well, just in case. Eventually, festooned with the carefully controlled knowledge and licensed to the hilt - one suspects that NDAs will feature heavily here - these people will be allowed to develop Orbo-based devices, providing they don't infringe on the areas Steon wants for itself (transportation, consumer electronics, the Credulity Field Generator -- actually, I made that last one up). Or you can sign up for a different level of involvement, where you can make things provided they're not commercial.

Go and check for yourself. I look forward to another summer of fun - but not, if I'm honest, anything remotely testable, checkable or working.

The most I'm holding out for is an answer to the question a passing news editor asked me as she walked past and saw the Steorn logo on my screen: "Who on earth is funding those jokers"?

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