
Stop the Presses!!! AT&T announces iPhone MMS.

I can't believe this is actually headline-worthy news and is getting so much attention. With that said, let me join my blogosphere brethren by also sharing the big news: AT&T said today that it will update the iPhone MMS feature on September 25.
Written by Sam Diaz, Inactive

I can't believe this is actually headline-worthy news and is getting so much attention. With that said, let me join my blogosphere brethren by also sharing the big news: AT&T said today that it will update the iPhone MMS feature on September 25.

There ya go, that's the news. Consider it officially shared.

For those living under a rock for the past several years, MMS is the messaging system that allows users to send and receive photos and videos on their phones. Pretty much every phone out there has had MMS capabilities for what seems like forever. I mean, even my mom has the ability to send and receive MMS messages over her nothing-fancy, reliable little LG flip phone.

Apple said earlier this year that it would finally enable MMS on the iPhone - another big headline moment - but then came the little asterisk about it not being available on AT&T until late summer. And as it turns out, it will be three days into the fall when AT&T finally flips the switch.

I was going to paste the text of the AT&T news release in this post but it was filled with so much PR spin, that I'll instead just offer a link - in case you really find yourself needing to know that AT&T has been been working hard to "ensure an excellent (MMS) experience from Day One."

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