
Stratus services unit to target layer above servers

Eighty per cent of downtime isn't down to the tech...
Written by Tony Hallett, Contributor

Eighty per cent of downtime isn't down to the tech...

Stratus Technologies, which makes high-end Intel-based servers, has announced its Solutions Services Group (SSG) to work closely with user organisations such as telcos, banks and public safety bodies.

Stratus bills itself as a provider of continuous availability but recognises this isn't only about robust servers.

Sri Sridharan, VP of the SSG, said: "You mustn't only look at the server but the entire story, from servers to networks to applications and so on."

Speaking at the StratusWorld user conference in Las Vegas this week, Gartner Group VP and distinguished analyst Donna Scott pointed out 80 per cent of downtime is not caused by technology failings but by problems with people and processes.

Sridharan said the new SSG unit is different to the professional services approach hardware vendors traditionally employ - for consulting on things such as running ERP software - and will help guide users in their pursuit of uptime, the area Stratus focuses on.

Stratus, now privately held with stakeholders including Intel Capital and Investcorp, is seeing interest in its products grow on the back of disaster recovery planning and regulatory compliance demands across various vertical sectors.

There is also a change in what users are deeming mission-critical these days, Sridharan said, widening the company's potential market.

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