
Sub notes: Details emerge on Apple's MWSF plans

The Apple subnotebook rumor is really starting to percolate.A CNBC report by Jim Goldman (video version) quotes a "very good source" with connections to Apple's Asian manufacturing partners as saying the ultra-portable notebook will arrive at Macworld Expo in January of 2008 at a price point of US$1,500.
Written by Jason D. O'Grady, Contributor

The Apple subnotebook rumor is really starting to percolate.

A CNBC report by Jim Goldman (video version) quotes a "very good source" with connections to Apple's Asian manufacturing partners as saying the ultra-portable notebook will arrive at Macworld Expo in January of 2008 at a price point of US$1,500.

The subnote is expected to be about "50 percent" thinner and lighter because it will drop the optical drive and substitute a NAND flash memory Solid State Drive (SSD) for a traditional hard drive, according to the report.

While AppleInsider maintains that the subnote will include a 13.3" screen, the CNBC report adds fuel to the fire stating that it'll ship with a 12-inch screen.

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