
Summer photo contest for kids

National Geographic, Airbus, and ePals have partnered to raise awareness of biodiversity worldwide, especially among young people. A major component of this effort is a summer photo contest for students age 6-16, called "See the Bigger Picture".
Written by Christopher Dawson, Contributor

National Geographic, Airbus, and ePals have partnered to raise awareness of biodiversity worldwide, especially among young people. A major component of this effort is a summer photo contest for students age 6-16, called "See the Bigger Picture".

Students can submit digital photos online or via mailed electronic media until September 8th. According to the program site,

The submitted photographs should: * Show an understanding of biodiversity * Be of a good quality * Be original and creative

The actual entry form can be found here. Photo guidelines offer quite a bit of flexibility, but should

Captures the spirit or idea of biodiversity. It could be a favourite tree or a plant, an animal or an insect, even a whole ecosystem (from your own back yard to somewhere you've visited on vacation) — your image should show people why biodiversity is a good thing that we should try to preserve.

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