
Tabberwocky: the world moves on

Time was a while ago when I used the benificent Duplicate Tab Firefox Addon by Twanno to, erm, duplicate tabs. It was great, duplicating a tab with all its history to a new tab.
Written by Jake Rayson Rayson, Contributor

The Jabberwocky

Time was a while ago when I used the benificent Duplicate Tab Firefox Addon by Twanno to, erm, duplicate tabs. It was great, duplicating a tab with all its history to a new tab. Fantastic for building web sites.

But the world moves on and complexity unfurls like a fern. Duplicate Tab no longer works with the latest Firefox (3.6 at the time of writing), so I chanced upon Tabberwocky for my duplicating tab needs. Asides from a glorious name, Tabberwocky does way way more than simply duplicate tabs. You can protect them, and open them in a manner of ways. I am sure there is more but really I just wanted to duplicate tabs.

I also noticed that the CustomizeGoogle addon is also no longer compatible. This is a neat addon that blocks Google ads and enables direct linking to images from a Google search. I have a conspiracy theory, totally unfounded like all the best conspiracy theories, that Google have somehow paid off the developer, as they did some cost benefit analysis and realised that they were losing 0.000001% of 34% of click-through revenue, which came to a grand total of $347,000.

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