
Tablet PC musings from the MVP Summit

I arrived in Seattle earlier today and had a great meetup with many of the Tablet PC MVPs at the Microsoft Global MVP Summit in Seattle this afternoon. As you can imagine when a group of Tablet PC geeks gather, there was much sharing, comparing, and showing off of toys and gadgets. The most anticipated of these was the Vulcan FlipStart that James Kendrick brought with him.
Written by Marc Orchant, Contributor

I arrived in Seattle earlier today and had a great meetup with many of the Tablet PC MVPs at the Microsoft Global MVP Summit in Seattle this afternoon. As you can imagine when a group of Tablet PC geeks gather, there was much sharing, comparing, and showing off of toys and gadgets. The most anticipated of these was the Vulcan FlipStart that James Kendrick brought with him. I can attest that it is indeed a heavy device with the extended battery attached and that it is capable of surviving a drop from waist height onto a marble floor with out a scratch (I didn't do it).

Tomorrow I hope to get a bit of hands on time with Toshiba R400. There are a number of Lenovo X60 Tablets on hand and everyone seems to have nothing but good things to say about it (except to note that the screen looks a little subdued when compared side-by-side with the R400 - I'll see for myself tomorrow. As

is always the case when I use my Tablet on an airplane, I ended up doing a demo of the platform's capabilities to the two gentlemen I sat next to on the flight to Seattle this morning.  After they spent the bulk of the flight watching me prep a few images for a blog post, read, highlight, and annotate a couple of issues of Zinio digital magazines, watch en episode of Heroes in iTunes, and add a few thoughts to a mind map I've been working on they asked me just what kind of a computer I was using.

They were impressed with the battery life, the fit and finish of the unit, the excellent keyboard, the fingerprint scanner, and particularly the way the X60 senses the orientation of the Tablet and adjusts the display orientation automatically.  Tablets on planes may never be the title of a disappointing summer blockbuster but it always a fun ride.

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