
Techie stands accused of malicious attack on employer

Who can you trust?
Written by Robert Lemos, Contributor

Who can you trust?

A system administrator is being prosecuted by his former employer for sabotaging two-thirds of the company's computer systems in an attempt to crash its stock price. A two-count indictment charged 60-year-old Roger Duronio with being responsible for more than $3m in damage caused when malicious programs placed on 1,000 of UBS PaineWebber's 1,500 computers became active on 4 March and began deleting files. The indictment alleges that Duronio, who had left UBS PaineWebber 10 days before the deletion of the files, would have profited if the company's stock had fallen as a result of the attack. District Attorney Christopher J. Christie said in a statement: "Cybercrime against financial institutions is a significant issue. Although the damage was contained in this case, the potential for catastrophic damage in other cases is always there." Robert Lemos writes for News.com
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