
Technology policy challenges faced by the U.S. Federal Government (video seminar)

ZDNet Government columnist David Gewirtz delivers a guest lecture to the National Defense University in Washington, DC. You can attend this seminar by watching the embedded video.
Written by David Gewirtz, Senior Contributing Editor

Back in October, I had the opportunity to meet Dr. Dwight Toavs, a professor at National Defense University, when he reached out to me to discuss an article I'd published on the Occupy movement.

See also: Lessons America's Founding Fathers can teach us about the Occupy movement

We got to talking about technology policy and he offered me the opportunity to give back by guest lecturing at NDU to a group of his students, who also happen to be some of the many hard-working career federal officials and military officers who keep America functioning despite all the meddling from our politicians.

What follows is that lecture. Of note, to those of you following my Skype Studio project, is that this was a completely new use of the studio technology.

First, NDU required the use of Google Video instead of Skype, so that was new. The ability to generate the live feed is pretty cutting edge, using a combination of two physical machines, a virtual machine, a tablet, and a teleprompter, and doing live post-production during production. I'll be discussing how all of this was done in future DIY-IT articles, but for now, the big news is that it's actually doable.

Proof of concept is a big thing and this seminar is just that proof. And now, the seminar...

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