
The 2009 Green Wars Being Fought Now

In Washington D.C. the stakes are high. The stakes are huge.
Written by Harry Fuller, Contributor

In Washington D.C. the stakes are high. The stakes are huge. The stakes are for a major porton of the cash that will go into the United States' mounting federal debt. That means big money. How much will Obama's version of the federal government put into greentech? That is the multi-billion dollar question. The line forms in front of Uncle Sam's seemingly bottomess ATM. Bottomless as long as China and Japan and Saudi Arabia are willing to lend the U.S.ever more money.

Who wants what? The Union of Concerned Scientists are asking for more facts, less faith, in making regulatory decisions. Here you can find their list of ten things they want to see from the Obama Admin. To save you clicking: they want whistleblowers and scientists protected, science uncensored by pols, and regulators to actually enforce the law. In short, they are talking revolution.

The American Enterprise Institute, they want lower corporate taxes so more money can trickle down. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce wants spending, and they want it on big ticket infrastructure. In asking for an immediate passage of a "stimulus" (that means spending) bill, the Chamber wants to see money go into energy technology as well. And they want Congress and the new Pres to be:

"Reforming our financial regulations, overhauling public schools and workforce training, fixing our broken legal culture and our ailing health care system; and preserving business and innovation by opening markets to trade, challenging organized labor's anti-growth agenda, and ensuring reasonable taxes and regulations."

Over at the NRDC they want Obama's folks to make clean energy the #1 priority for the U.S. Here's a link to a magazine profile of one guy who urged the Democrats to make clean tech jobs their goal and their campaign strategy. The headline: "Greening the Ghetto."

Now that Dems are in power will any of this happen? Do not forget, any legislation will have a difficult time getting through the Senate where Republicans have no interest in making Obama look either effective or strong. It may be a cold day in Washington before any serious legislation rolls out of the Senate. But as we've seen saw the Treasury Department's bailout of Chrysler and General Motors, with the examples of GITMO and spies reading your email, a lot can be done by the exeuctive branch operating solo.

P-E Obama met today with House Speaker Pelosi. They talked eco nomy and urgency. Those wild and joyful guys along Wall Street sent the market up. Guess they can't count votes in Senate any better than they value assets and risk. It's already clear there'll be no federal stimulus package this month.

But some problems just won't wait. Congress or not, Obama and his tream will quickly have to make a decision on General Motors and Chrysler. Auto sales figures for December: miniscule. To save, or not to save? That decision may have lasting effects on not just on the Chevy Volt but electric cars, fuel efficiency and hybrid cars for years to come.

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