
The meat of the Intel Classmate Eco System Summit

After an evening of talking with everyone from Canonical to Pasco to CTL, it's become very clear that there are a lot of people working very hard to make the Classmate PC far more than just another netbook. Quite a few more details will emerge Tuesday as I go to various presentations and conduct interviews with key players in the Classmate Eco System.
Written by Christopher Dawson, Contributor

After an evening of talking with everyone from Canonical to Pasco to CTL, it's become very clear that there are a lot of people working very hard to make the Classmate PC far more than just another netbook. Quite a few more details will emerge Tuesday as I go to various presentations and conduct interviews with key players in the Classmate Eco System. I'll post those details later on, but for now, free to just follow me on Twitter or watch my updates below throughout the day.

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